Mission Statement

"They are happy, whose strength is in you,
in whose hearts are the roads to Zion.
As they go through the Bitter Valley
they make it a place of springs . . ."
Psalm 84

I will
  • Nurture all creatures in my care or within my circle of influence
  • Create generously and with good energy, resisting the urge to doubt myself and my creative abilities
  • Treat writing -- books, blogs, and articles -- as my new business, working at it with as much time and energy as I have given to consulting, volunteering, and other ventures with external deadlines
  • Be a good steward of all that has been given -- talents and time, possessions, money, house, and pets
  • Strengthen relationships
  • Practice hospitality, making our home a welcoming and relaxing place for Kat and me and for others
  • Understand the "other side" of an issue and avoid demonizing others
  • Defend the absent*
  • Carefully consider requests to commit my time, accepting or declining as best fits my values and goals
  • Follow through on commitments made to myself and others
  • Create habits for prayer and fitness to strengthen the spirit and body
  • Live more simply and trust in a caring Providence

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